all the highs and none the lows. (Earinor & Akira)

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    • As Kosuke had brought him home, Gin felt as if he had done everything he could to convince this man to stay, yet, he'd failed - it wasn't his place to judge, or even to claim that it didn't hurt him; he merely smiled at him, anxiously, before he unlocked the imposing metal gate and slipped back inside. "Sleep well.", he told Kosuke with a big smile, still, and then locked it behind him. The rest of his journey was a rather boring one; he got a shower, and then relaxed just a tad bit too much, he thought, before he finally got ready for bed - he sunk into it, almost as if his life did depend on it (it kind of did) and cuddled with his blanket, at least he tried to. One startling ping from his phone was all he needed to be quite awake, though, and as he groggily looked at his phone screen, he could see that cheeky name he'd saved Kosuke as, and before long, as he opened them, his little Tokage, sitting on its own pillow, looking like a well-appraised king, with only one worthy servant. Gin had a good chuckle, bevore he replied. >looks like someone found a nice home ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ< That looked incredibly goofy, did it not? >sleep well! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ< With that, he threw the phone back on the nightstand and curled up without another word. Really, this was the peak of existence? This was, what love was all about? It seemed stupid yet plausible to him.

      The next days went by without much of a hassle, so much so that Gin wound up being rather surprised. There were no visits of Kosuke at work, which sucked, majorly at that, but at least he still had the festival to look forward to - something that he, eventually, even was getting all worked up about, to the point where he kept telling a coworker about the guy he met, who only sneered and giggled at him. 'Gin, hold your horses' and all he could do was have a laugh about it, if he were honest. Why would he do so? Not that the world needed to know about Kosuke, but he did call in a favor with said coworker, just to get out of it all and, for better or for worse, get the following night off. As soon as he had secured exactly that, he found himself texting Kosuke, whom he mostly wrote in every free minute he had. >good news!<, Gin wrote. What could those be? Another message followed. >i'm all clear to go to the festival, did you call in your favor yet? ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ<, he asked, and the message hopefully conveyed all the feelings he could have. It was a mess, sort of, but it was the day of said festival and if Kosuke so wished, he figured, he'd even slip into a yukata, just to please this guy. Well, either way ... >I'll be on my way now!< and with that, Gin had packed up his stuff - fireworks were really such an exciting thing, but he needed a quick shower.
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • Kosuke mostly worked the following days, but every now and then he checked his phone and sent Gin a reply or two. He even updated him on Tokage and sent him a few picture, in one of which he got a little sombrero, because he was forced to go out with his coworkers and they'd killed a bottle of Tequila. It had had the perfect size for Tokage, but after a day he was free of it again and resumed sitting on his pillow undisturbed. People at work noticed something was different about Kosuke and soon enough they guessed that he must have had a girlfriend or something. He didn't correct them and let them guess. He was getting way more attention that he was used to and when out with them they even tried to coax some more information out of him by getting him wasted, but they failed. Kosuke wasn't even sure if he was in a relationship anyway, but at least it wasn't so hard to change the shift on Saturday, so instead of running late and only getting to see one hour of the festival, he'd have more time. In turn he had to collect some money though and that he did from Morning to Afternoon.

      His phone buzzed when Kosuke was just getting out of his bosses office to drop the money off. He fished out his phone from his pocket and opened Gins newest message. >Yeah, I'm done with work for today<, he answered. >I'll meet you there< Kosuke added the location of the place he wanted to go to with Gin. It was close to his home and there were less thugs and drunks around. It was a somewhat nice little neighborhood with lots of families and old folk. Kosuke put the phone away again and hurried home himself. He wanted to change before he met Gin and he even went to the local bathhouse to wash himself quickly. He didn't want to arrive sweaty and dirty after all. Once he was done he decided to pick less fancy clothes today, in hopes Gin would prefer it a bit more maybe. He put on black jeans and a black T-Shirt. He also brought a dark grey jacket that had some stripes down the arms - it was actually for training, but he figured if he grew cold it was fitting for the weather. He didn't put it on, just carried it with him and got going. He hurried to the place he sent Gin too and while he already passed some festival booths, he decided to buy some Dango for him. With the Dango in hand he found Gin waiting at a plaza with a cherry tree in the middle, it was easy to spot the blazing red hair. Kosuke approached him from behind and held the Dango skewer in front of Gins face, before he even greeted him. "Hey. Sorry I'm late."
    • Mission Festival was a go, it seemed - and Gin was more than happy to adhere to that, the moment he flocked into his apartment, discarded all of his clothing and stepped under the shower. While he would have liked a yukata, maybe it was too much, so he picked something plain - some jeans, a nice little shirt, some fitting sneakers and a bit of jewelry, but mainly modest. >okay!<, he texted back, the moment he saw the text Kosuke had written him and, while he normally would take his time, just looked some plants that looked less than stellar at this point. For a moment, he wasn't sure if that would prevail, or if either of them should even be doing that, but he didn't care much. The first thing Gin did, was to get a taxi and show the driver where to go - it wasn't far from here, but even a walk would still tucker him out, and besides, if he was getting all sweaty just from walking there, where would the rest of the fun be? He was glad to be dropped off close by and eventually picked just about any bench he could find, patiently waiting for his little prince charming while he himself was, potentially, under the impression that this would take the slightest bit longer than he anticipated.

      While he sat there, he went through the pictures that Kosuke had sent him, all over the week no less. They were fun, especially when he took that little lizard on adventures, but even better, they felt as if they were, well, showing him a glimpse of Kosukes life, no? Gin got so absorbed into the little sombrero story and the messages they sent one another, that he almost yelped when he found a dango this close to his face. For now, he needed a moment, and then, he sighed in realization, apathy, anything - relief was the best one yet. "No worries.", he chuckled. "I cheated, took a taxi to get here.", he explained himself and, instead of grabbing the skewer like any normal person would, just bit it and stood up from where he sat. Giving Kosuke a hug was the first thing he wanted to do, but maybe that was inappropriate? He couldn't say - but he reached out to him anyway. "Thanks for the meal, and I'm glad you could come at all. No matter what time." There it was, a chuckle of his own, and a big, toothy grin to accompany it. Almost instinctively, he reached for Kosukes hand. "Oh, by the way, look!", he said, reaching into his pockets for his key. Instead of a big Tokage, he now had a slightly smaller, green creature with a yellow band and a star attached. "That's also Tokage, but the real lizard one."
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • "Did I startle you?", Kosuke asked with a grin, only slightly apologizing with it. Gin and Kosuke looked plain today, at least no one needed to feel over- or underdressed. "I didn't expect you to walk an hour over here.", he told Gin. He knew this place was rather far away from Gins home and they could have checked out the booths and special offers on mainstreet, but Kosuke felt like, maybe this place was more suitable for just strolling about and getting some sweets, while waiting for the fireworks. Where they were now was usually a little plaza with nothing much else around. It was some sort of recreational area with benches and trees. Now the winding roads led to multiple booths with sweets, games and souvenirs. There were quite a lot of people here too, but while on mainstreet it were mostly businessmen, thugs and teenagers, around here most other attendees were young families. There were children running around, some elderly people held hands and walked around and young couples were also to be seen. Some people even wore traditional clothing for this event.

      Gin stole a Dango ball from the skewer, then got up and immediately pulled Kosuke into a hug. He appreciated and returned the hug by wrapping his arms around Gins small waste and leaned downwards so he was able to reach him better. All the while he made sure not to get Gin sticky with the so called meal he got him. Once they both let go again, Gin already reached for Kosukes hand, while Kosuke offered him the skewer. "Want the rest?", he asked him with a smile. Then he watched Gin pulling something out of his bag, only to reveal another bean shaped thing. "Oh he's cute. Good that you found another suiting one for your keys.", he replied. He left Tokage at home, he didn't think he'd have it comfortable in Kosukes pockets and he rarely had a bag with him. "Do you want to have a look around? We could get something real to eat if you want. I came straight from work, so I could definitely use some food."
    • "Yes, yes you did.", he laughed. Of course - the redhead was often enough absorbed into his own world, stuck in a concept he barely understood before he moved onto the next thing, and before long, maybe that was a good thing. Potentially, this was smarter than anything; being an airhead was half as bad as it sounded, and if he were honest, maybe he'd have different views on the world then, as well as the ability to understand why all of this happened to him, of all people no less. "I would have liked to! But ... well ... I knew we were going to walk a lot, so it's not like I, uh, well. I'd probably be sore before long, and then I'd get mad and bitch about it like a little cunt. It's for the best, I'd say.", Gin admitted. There was little he could and would do to keep himself in shape - it didn't seem like it'd even be a possibility for him to get out of shape, that was, no matter how many damn sweets he'd eat. Fast metabolism or not, wasn't that unfair? Cheating? Well, he didn't have a physique to maintain, though - and maybe, just maybe, some people would like a bit more meat on his r- ... no, that was a perverse way of thinking. "Kosuke, can I ask you something?" Now or never.

      As he showed the real, green Tokage to his beloved, he couldn't help but grin about it like the idiot he was. Sure, he was cute - not as cute as his little king - but while Kosuke seemed to have left the little man at home, Gin had someone by his side that he could use to pester others, or worse, take cute pics with. "What about you?", he replied. "If you eat one, I'll take the last one, actually.", he proposed. Food was all about being shared in his opinion, much like love could be, but in his profession, maybe it was an accursed way of thinking and worse, an infantile way for everything - some things just were the way they ought to be, but even then, maybe they didn't have to be. "I found him in my pile - I didn't even know I had him, if I'm honest, but yes, I agree, he's cute!" Gin was laughing, as he put those keys back in his pocket. Without even asking, he was already glued to the much taller man, looking for a hand of his to hold, taking the dango skewer from his in the process and eating one of them, before offering Kosuke the last one that remained. "Oh, food sounds good. Aside from some dango, I only had a bit of coffee today ... I'm starving, kind of, but not really." There were way too many stalls to pick just one, however. "What are you in the mood for? Your pick this time." And Gin would pay, unlike last time.
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • "Sorry 'bout that", Kosuke apologized with a smile, he didn't mean to startle Gin, he merely wanted to surprise him a little. He laughed a little bit over Gins honesty. "It's fine. I hope it wasn't too expensive. It's quite a bit to get over here anyway and..." He looked at Gin who always seemed so worried about everything, despite his happy personality, Kosuke didn't think too much about a lot of things, "... we don't have to hurry today. I got off earlier than I expected, so we have plenty of time to look at everything before the fireworks. If you need a break and want to sit down for a bit, just say it." The yakuza grunt was used to walking and running actually. Every morning - which in his case was either actual morning around 8AM or 9Am, or if he worked in the Yaseyumei more like 3PM - he jogged for a good 30 minutes at least. He wanted to keep in shape and it was a good way to get his head free. Every other day he would additionally hit a gym he could use for free thanks to his job. He looked at Gin puzzled. "Hm? Sure, what is it?"

      He looked at the Dango in his hand and nodded shortly after. "Sure, we can share it.", he nodded, but before he could even take a bite, Gin was the one eating the middle ball and left Kosuke with the last one. He didn't mind, ate it up and kept the skewer for when they'd find a bin. The little plushie was also put back from where he came and they were ready to get going. Gin was practically glued to Kosukes side and they weren't the only ones walking in pairs like this, yet Kosuke still felt a little bit embarrassed. "My pick? Uh... hm... how about some Yakitori? I think I've seen a stall in the direction I came from.", he suggested and turned both of them around to take that path first. He started walking in a slow pace, they didn't need to hurry, did they now? There was plenty to look at on the way and maybe Gin found something he wanted. They didn't need to eat the same food after all.
    • At least he was sorry - that was a good way to repent. Gin couldn't help it; sometimes he drowned out his surroundings and lived in a different world, one that was all up in his own head, and one that made little to no sense to him on a few occasions. Was it for the best if he shut up about it, or was there any reason for him to mention it? Not entirely, or necessarily at all - Gin simply would keep to himself for now, at least in such a regard. "I'll let you know! What was that last time, about not being a knight in shining armor? I think you're sorely mistaken, if I'm honest. To me, you're just that, and I appreciate it, you know?" Less giggling and smiling seemed to be todays theme, but even better than that, he was still in a good mood, with a certain pep in his step and relaxed clothing, which he actually had picked, based on the fact that he hoped that this meeting of theirs would be a rather long-winded but easy one. Neither of them were in a hurry and Gin had to admit, the next question might be a bit too brash, even by his damned standards. Why was he even coming up with this stuff in the first place? If only he could say. "Do you ... think I'd be ... ah, fuck. Okay, this is embarrassing. Would you ... no, I'll ask later, alright?" The mood was too sweet right now.

      For a bit, he even felt swayed and persuaded by Kosuke, just to enjoy his company a bit - persuaded by his own, stupid feelings that he regularly was throwing and chucking around, whenever he saw someone he liked, wasn't it that? Gin had never cared for gender, but the more attractive people surrounded him, the more insecure he got. Thus, the last dango went to its winner while he was thinking about something stupid, more so than ever. Would someone even want him as a partner? "Huh? Uh! Yeah! That sounds great, actually.", he mumbled, still lost in thought, only half-understanding what Kosuke truly wanted to eat. Whatever it was, Gin would want to try it - and therefore, maybe they should get two portions anyway. That sounded smart, at the very least to him, and as he walked along with his dark knight for a bit. "What I wanted to ask, uhm, I mean you've seen me, not entirely undressed, but still, you ... you know. Uh, do you think, I should ... I don't know, eat more? Is that a weird thing to ask?", Gin mumbled, completely embarrased. Fuck. That was stupid! Why would he even want that? The few extra pounds wouldn't give him a nice ass either, if they even went there, for gods sake!
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • Gin seemed a bit uneasy today and Kosuke wondered if that was his fault somehow, but as soon as they talked Gin at least sounded happy to be here. "Where is that coming from?", Kosuke asked with a chuckle. He was no knight, not at all actually, if anything he was the villain, or more like the little nameless grunt that was on the screen for a few seconds just to explode or something. Gin still mumbled and didn't quite ask whatever it was he wanted to know. Kosuke didn't want him to feel scared to ask anything, there was no need to. "Uhm... okay? No pressure. You can ask me anything though.", he tried to reassure him while maneuvering through the crowd. Even here it was kind of full, especially around the stalls, but they wouldn't lose each other, especially not while holding hands like they did. Kosuke took it slow so Gin could easly follow him and had time to look around, but whenever he looked at the redhead, he seemed to be somewhere else with his thoughts.

      Even the answer about Kosukes food suggestion seemed not as lively as the last time they spoke. "Is everything alright? If it's too crowded here, we can go somewhere else, or you sit back down over at the plaza and I'll bring us both some food." Maybe this second date, or whatever it was, wasn't such a good idea? Maybe he misread or Gin had realized that it was fun to meet Kosuke once, but that was about it. Eventually he asked his question and Kosuke looked at him, maybe even more confused than before. "Huh?" Kosuke actually stopped and looked at Gin, not minding the people behind them that almost ran them over. "I uh... I don't think I really care? I mean... I like you, because I like talking to you and besides, its more important that you feel comfortable in your own body, right?", he asked and at least started walking again slowly, pulling Gin with him. "Where's that coming from? Did somebody say anything to you?" Maybe at work?
    • All of this was eating up his brain and keeping him incredibly distracted and self-focused, maybe even for much longer than it should be. Gin wasn’t like this usually, but he suddenly had the incessant urge to appeal to his newfound friend; with whatever he could, and with that, it also was like he was in for opening a big bag of surprises, the moment that their little dates simply weren’t enough anymore. Wasn’t that sad? “The knight in shining armor thing? We talked about it last time, and as I remember, you said you were the furthest thing from that.”, he giggled. That had been true, and worse, maybe it was even more or a mess than he had thought it’d ever be. One thing that Gin knew, for a fact no less, was, that he’d enjoy those blossoms and this festival - himself or not, it was a nice day to be out of the dumps, even when the night was already creeping up on them and would continue to do so, sooner than later. All in all, wasn’t it good to finally get out of his apartment? Gin looked for comfort while coming closer to Kosuke, maybe even a bit too much - lot more obviously than he should, much to the ire of another man that seemed to have his eye on the odd couple; the redhead gave him a sour look before he could say anything and it did do the trick. Thankfully.

      “Here is fine! It’s not about that. I’m sorry, I probably give off a really gloomy vibe. I’m just really hungry and kind of bothered by, well, you know …” That question had plagued him for a while, not just because of Kosuke though, and Gin wondered if it would even be feasible. Would he like it? He wasn’t sure. Maybe he’d look better that way, but he couldn’t say - potentially it was just another mess he’d be getting himself into, and couldn’t claw his way out of. “Yakitori sounds better than sitting somewhere, but I’d also like to enjoy the festival with you.”, he soon giggled, rather bubbly at that. Gin was good at faking emotions, one had to give him that, but right now, it didn’t fit with the overall mood - he smiled, still, and tried to keep his head up. In the end, he was just happy to have Kosuke, who made his eyes light up like those of a child, who had been handed the biggest piece of candy just now. “I suppose you’re right. Very much so. But I’m not sure what I’d like, it’s kind of hard to decide if I have to be honest.”, he explained himself away. “Sort of. When I was, uhm, with a customer today, he mentioned that, I, uh. Seem rather boney? Not that it was bad, but he said he wished I had a bit more meat on my bones. He’s not the first to ever say that, either.”
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • Kosuke wondered if he had done anything wrong, or upset Gin somehow, or maybe he just had a bad day. He knew his job wasn't easy and could even be rather difficult sometimes. He couldn't choose his customers and if Kosuke went by those rich, old people paying to get into the Yaseyumei, only to get wasted and hit on the waitresses who's job it not was to accommodate to them - they had other girls that did that too - he could only imagine how it was for Gin when he was all alone with such guys. Even Kosuke had a hard time pulling those people off politely, because after all they still paid the entry fee and it had to be a big mess for them to be thrown out. Chances of a grunt like him making a wrong move and offending someone were much higher actually. "I mean, why did you remember it now?", Kosuke rephrased his question. Did he do anything? he just brought some food, nothing more, that could hardly be it. He' be lying if he said he wasn't confused by Gins demeanor today.

      "I actually don't know.", Kosuke answered to Gins cryptic sentence. "Well lets get you something to eat then, come on." Kosuke walked a bit faster to arrive the stall he mentioned before. They got in a rather unorderly line. Kosuke looked at what they got briefly, but was more focused on Gin who clung to him a a bit more. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to sit down and eat and still walk around later. Do you want something to drink with your food?", he asked with a smile, only to look into Gins grinning face. What now? Was his mood better? "Well different people like different things. You'll never be able to make everyone happy, so you shouldn't let yourself be bothered by something like that." Was this about the fact that Kosuke refused the invitation to Gins place last time? Maybe he should have gone up with him, or put more efforts into his texts? "I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uneasy...? I simply don't want to rush anything, if that's alright with you."
    • Was it that he was merely an idiot, or that he had forsaken and surrendered himself to his stupid fate? Why was it that, from here to then, he was only ever good at making amends for others, but never for himself? Gin was thinking too much today, he figured, and he was holding strong on the belief that, all in all, maybe it was how it had to be - a life, filled with grief and selfdoubt, one that he could hardly understand because he was, for the lack of a better word, a much more sensitive being than he'd ever admit. Was it that he had lost himself at some point? "It ... I should have texted you. it bothered me since that dude had said it, and if I may be honest, I wanted someones opinion. Maybe even in person. But that didn't quite work out. I don't have favors to call to get in the Yaseyumei myself, I'm just one of those common whores anyway.", he mumbled. This wasn't exactly his own perception of himself if he were honest, and much rather the realization that, in the end, he was nothing more than some sort of sideliner in a life that wasn't tailored to him. All the confidence he normally exuded had left him, though, he didn't want it to stay that way, which was maybe why he forced himself to smile a bit more and even stuck his tongue out at Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome.

      "Me? Lets get us something to eat, I'd say. Both of us, that is. And this time I'm paying, don't you dare insist, do you hear me?", he threatened the taller one. What grounds did he even have for that, still? More than a good time wasn't an option, and Gin had to admit that he, redhead or not, was feeling a lot warmer than usual, as if all the blood that he'd normally have found elsewhere in his body, had overtaken that small face of his and filled it to the brim. "Hm. I'd actually like some ... what are you in the mood for? Soda? Beer? I'll take whatever you are having." They didn't need to match, in no way, really, but he'd like to, and he wanted to see which one of them would need less alcohol to actually be drunk. His guess was Kosuke, but for now, Gin was still oddly optimistic, almost as if he didn't quite think it would happen that way - he still had faith in himself and could only grin about it, at the very least he figured that there was nothing left for him to do. "You're not the problem, don't worry. I'm just kind of uneasy right now, not exactly sure why, though. It might be because I'm actually not happy with myself, but ... let's forget that. We are here to have fun, right? Do they have something like a range? You could win a plushie for me, you know." Gin chuckled about it. "After we had dinner."
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • Kosuke figured that Gin rather wanted to talk right now, than enjoy the festival and that was perfectly fine. A quieter place was probably preferable if he talked about both their jobs and customers and really also how he felt. No one else needed to hear it really. "I'm sorry. Next time give me a time and I'll try and call you, alright?", Kosuke offered. That was really all he could do and he wasn't even in the Yaseyumei all the time. If he had other jobs like today he could have dropped by even, but maybe their communication needed some fine tuning still. They both had been hesitant and didn't share too much about their days and maybe that had been a mistake. Maybe Kosuke should have been more open and should have proposed a meeting before today. Gin smiled, stuck his tongue out and tried to seem as bubbly as ever, but Kosuke believed himself to be capable of seeing through that. For now he played along. "Alright no problem.", he smiled and eventually pulled Gin passed some other people and in front of him. From there he pushed him forward to the front of the stall.

      "Two specials and two sodas.", he told a girl in a yukata in the booth who quickly nodded and prepared their order. Gin was free to pay this time. They got two cans of Soda first and Kosuke took it upon himself to stuff them in his pockets for now, even though there was barely enough room. While Gin paid Kosuke took the two paper plates with their food on top and balanced them. Once Gin was done, he was quick to get out of the crowd and waited up for his date in a place with a few less people. He handed him one of the plates, then he was the one taking Gins hand to start wandering again. "You don't have to put on a brave face for me. We can take our food, go somewhere quiet and just talk if you prefer. I'm sure we'll find a more quiet place, or if you don't feel like people we could go to my place. I'm living just 15 minutes from here if we walk slowly." He smiled, stopped again and stepped into Gins way to be able to look at him. "We can come back later, or don't. There'll be other festivals, so if you're not in the mood that's fine."
    • Was he too harsh on Kosuke? Maybe. He looked like a wet puppy right now and Gin had to admit, he couldn't help himself - he wanted something like a serving of this guy, just for himself, in his own four walls, to be reminded that he was perfectly fine the way he was, and absolutely not in the wrong for feeling the things he felt. For once, he figured, he'd actually gotten his hands on someone that liked him, not just for what he did, but also for who he was - there was nothing lovely about his existence as a whore, and there was no such thing as recovering from things like that. It hurt, stung even, but who was he to deny himself all of that? Gin had lived this life for a while now. "I didn't want to bother you, really!", the redhead eventually managed to say, just like that, being upfront about who and what he was out to do at this point. For now, it was all well and good if he simply shut the fuck up, he figured, but as he had realized, Kosuke cared maybe just the slightest bit too much. "Really, it's not something one talk will fix, I guess. It's not that pressing of a matter, though. Sorry.", the redhead mumbled, a rather suprising realization on his lips as he heard his own voice, echo throughout his bones. There were few things he actually, genuinely craved right now and maybe, it was genuine human interaction at this point.

      This time, Kosuke ordered and Gin was the one paying - a switching of roles was in order and it promptly took place, too. Gin couldn't even react as he was just being walked from one place to the other, he merely listened into different conversations, ones that didn't have anything to do with him. He took his food eventually, looking at the funky way that his partner in crime was carrying the pop around in his trousers and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Now that's a Kosuke I like!", he spoke, redness flushing his face more than ever as soon as he realized what had just happened. "But I still like you, like, every single time I see you!", Gin tried to overcorrect himself. So much for not making a fool of himself tonight after it had already happened way too often - now, all that confidence and perceived arrogance that he might have carried before was all but washed away. Was Kosuke still attracted to that sort of thing? He sure hoped so, especially as he grabbed a skewer and started to nibble on the meat, while holding the paper plate in the other. "I'm ... honest? It's not like I'm putting a brave face on. I'm sorry I made you feel that way, but we should really enjoy ourselves, even if we only watch the fireworks. But ... if you want to?", he put the skewer down again and clung closer to Kosuke. Then, he looked at him and grinned, bright and honest at that. "I'm in the mood, but I'll follow you, wherever you want to go ... so, what about the range now? You're escaping my questions again. If they have a giant Tokage, we can't miss the opportunity." There was giggling, genuine one. Oh, how he wished a giant Tokage would be real ...
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • "You don't bother me. I might be busy most of the time, but that doesn't mean I can't call you in my free time.", Kosuke smiled while leading the way once more. Gin didn't seem like the insecure type, but maybe he was. "If you want to talk, we'll talk, it's as simple as that." Gin worried too much, but if he said he didn't put on a brave face and wanted to stay and enjoy the festival, then Kosuke wouldn't want to call him a liar. He chuckled though. "What did I do now?", he asked with a grin only to receive another compliment. Gin was way too nervous today, wasn't he? Kosuke was surprised that he himself wasn't the nervous wreck here, even though he looked forward to today way too much. He thought about Gin often, even if he didn't call him and just sent a few texts. He didn't want to annoy Gin, or bother him and besides that, his life wasn't that exciting anyway, he simply didn't know what to tell him, but once they had a conversation going it mostly just jumped to so many topics at once.

      "How about this; we eat, we drink our sodas, we get dessert and then we'll see if we can win something somewhere. We'll watch the fireworks and then we'll see how we continue, alright?", he suggested with a smile and squeezed past two stalls to get behind them. There was just some plain grass there and after walking a few more steps he let himself fall on his ass. There were other people sitting here to and enjoyed some food or drinks, some even brought blankets. Maybe he should have brought one too? For now Kosuke pulled the two cans out of his pockets and put them on the floor. Now with two free hands and no worries that the cans might just fall out of his pockets, he was able to enjoy his food as well. "Come on, sit down, or... wait." Maybe Gin wasn't fond of getting his clothes dirty, which was why Kosuke took the jacket he brought and laid it out on the floor for Gin to sit on. He smiled at him and nodded at his designated spot.
    • "I ... yeah, right. You're right about that. Sometimes I'm just not sure. Believe it or not, I can be rather awkward with people.", he admitted. One more reason why he hadn't what it took to get out of his profession and just be something like a host instead - Gin knew he was a mess, in the worst ways possible, and tired as well; tired of many more things than just himself, or the way he was living his life. But enough of that. "Mhm.", he assured Kosuke, still, but with a smile on his lips. There was nothing to lie about now, not once, and there wouldn't be another opportunity for him to open his mouth like that anyway - he should just admit that he had the biggest, fattest crush on this guy and was desperately trying to appeal to him with backhanded tactics, somehow. Wasn't that it? But even a book titled something like 'A Guide to a Yakuza Grunts Heart' wouldn't help him out here - it was a pain in the ass and he was taking the piss for it. "Nothing! You're just incredibly sweet, and ... and I like being near you, okay? Whenever I see your face, my heart feels like it's a balloon caught in my ribcage and every word you say is a carefully aimed needle that is this close to pop it!", Gin finally got out, and was glad that they made their way through the crowd to sit someplace.

      It was a nice suggestion and he held tight on the man that was not only showing him around, but also trying his utmost to keep him entertained in their little meeting. Was it so wrong to want to enjoy normalcy and mundanity? Gin felt like it, almost as if some years of limelight had definitely damaged not only his brain but also his identity, which, in turn, had led to him not even liking what he desired most. "Alright, I'll take you up on that offer in no time!", he decided for himself, all the while he wasn't so sure if all of this was really something he could deal with. Past the people and down to a grassy area, he was about to let himself crash flat on his ass as he was offered, but Kosuke seemed to have ... something in mind? At first, it was rather odd to him, but not soon after, Gin definitely understood. With a smile, he bowed slightly, thanked him, and then sat down on where he was led to. Even now, with the sunset spanning above their heads, it looked romantic and he wished for it to never fade, for time to freeze and stay still for the rest of his life, but he knew that that was futile, even when he leaned over and let his heavy head rest on another mans shoulder, while marbling at the sky and eating the Yakitori he'd gotten. Well, the soda would be nice about now, but he didn't say anything - he finally relaxed instead, and Gin knew well enough that he was at peace. "I think ... I needed this.", the redhead hummed, soon relaxing a bit. "Isn't the view beautiful?"
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • "Just don't worry too much about me.", Kosuke tried to reassure Gin even more. "Maybe I should have called you, or at least texted you more. I just didn't wanna bother you or seem too pushy." He felt it was the right thing to admit that, maybe they both would ease up a bit if they just were honest. Gin seemed like someone who made a living with surface level pleasantries and now that he got past that level, he seemed a bit confused and out of his comfort zone. Kosuke wasn't much better. He worried over stupid stuff, but his calm personality probably helped him at the same time. Maybe he even was a bit boring, because he was roughly the same person all the time. Gins confession however caught him a bit off guard and he didn't know what to answer. This was their second date, or maybe their third if they counted their first meeting, but either way, they didn't know each other very well, did they now? He didn't know Gin felt so strongly about him. "I... I'm... I don't really know what to say... I'm glad you enjoy my company though. I thought maybe you weren't up to meeting me here today after all."

      Kosuke was definitely blushing now and to get his mind off of things, he grabbed the soda cans one after another and opened them up for easy access. He put Gins in his reach so he could grab it should he be thirsty, all the while said guy put his head on his shoulder while he ate. Kosuke figured he should probably eat too, so he did just that and watched on into the distance. "Mhm... it'll be even more beautiful when the fireworks start. But we have plenty of time until then, still, maybe we should be back here early, so we get a good spot.", he suggested with a smile. He liked Gin close and while he leaned on his shoulder like that, Kosuke could smell the sweet fumes of caramel that stemmed from Gins hair. He only noticed that smell now, even though they'd been close before. He felt his heart beat a bit faster and he eyed Gins hand, but didn't grab it. The crowd wasn't big enough to just drown in it and he felt unsure about how to act in a public space like that. He made his hands busy by eating his food instead.
    • “I can’t not worry about you, that’s pretty much impossible.” Gin hadn’t lost the worst of his traits - after all these years, he still felt responsible for others and looked out for them. Their sorrows and their burdens, they were theirs alone to shoulder, just like that, and they’d either fizzle out and disappear, or worse, be here to stay. The realization that he couldn’t help anyone unless he’d manage to help himself, it hurt - it sucked, but maybe someone like Kosuke didn’t need it, didn’t even want it. “You wouldn’t have been, I can assure you that much now. Whenever you want to hear my voice, just call me - even if I don’t pick up, you’ll hear it before you’ll be sent to voicemail.”, he chuckled. It was the truth; one that he might not have been proud of when he first did it, but one that had given him a sense of belonging back. In the end, his phone had still been his - and he was still himself, even if he had changed, much to the chagrin of some, but the delight of others. “I was. I looked forward to it since we agreed that we might go here, so I’m staying here until I have seen the fireworks and not leaving a second sooner!” One bite of meat, incoming and almost coupled with that, a rather big yawn. Gin felt comfortable here, maybe a bit too much.

      “Should I have called you instead?”, he mumbled, all inquisitive of a sudden. They’d have avoided this awkwardness right here if they had, Gin was sure of that, but what was more, he would habe made progress in a different direction. “I’m sorry, all of that burst out of me just like that and I didn’t even warn you. Can you forgive me? I can understand if you can’t accept those feelings, but they’re the truth.” Whatever had changed within him, it wasn’t bad - Gin still smiled, he enjoyed himself right then and there, no matter what the answer would be that he were to receive. Hope didn’t matter to him, much less did he give two damns about fate. If Kosuke didn’t want this, he had to shut it down himself; and Gin, to drown out the awkwardness, grabbed his pre-opened soda can and took a proper gulp. “Thanks. Oh, look at my nails!”, he exclaimed, almost excitedly, as he showed them to the raven next to him. While they usually were red to match his hair, right now they were pretty clear with some cherry blossoms and branches drawn on them - it had costed a small fortune, but he didn’t mind going there. Everyone liked it, somehow, and he, too, got something out of it, even if the red hair and the fact that he was a guy probably had ratted him out as something for the staff and other costumers. “We really should, I wouldn’t want to miss it. How was work today?” Even with their lines of work, they could still ask questions like these, right? Nobody was forced to give an explicit answer.
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • "You know I like you, right?", Kosuke suddenly asked. "Just be yourself. There is no point in pretending to be someone else if you want anything to last longer than a night or two... right?" Now he was confessing somehow, wasn't he? He wouldn't call it love, not at all, it was way too early for that, but they were past friendship already. This was a date and so had been their last meeting. Kosuke didn't want it to last only for two or three dates, he wanted to see where this leads and for that one had to be honest. Not about their work, their past or anything like that, but they should try and be who they were, otherwise how would one find out if they were a match or not? "Ah... maybe I should record a message too then...? Mine just beeps.", he chuckled. Maybe Gin found comfort in hearing Kosukes voice too. "Would you prefer voice messages over text? I can't always do that, but I don't mind talking into my phone at home? You could listen to it when you wake up or when you get home... I just figured it might be hard to listen to during your breaks at work."

      Kosuke chuckled again. "Don't worry, we'll see the fireworks and I'll win you a plushie somewhere. Promise. You can chose whichever booth you like once we're done eating." And that wouldn't take too long anymore anyway. They were almost done already. Kosuke took a big gulp from his soda as well and set it back aside on the grass, as well as his empty paper plate. "My schedule is very chaotic, I never know when I'm able to pick up, but you can call me. Just know that it's nothing against you if I can't get back to you right away..." he didn't want Gin to get the wrong impression after all. "No, no, don't apologize. Please. I just... never had anyone confess to me like that, you know?", he mumbled, unsure if he should give all of that back somehow, but he didn't know how and therefor was glad about the change of topic somehow. He looked at the shining new nails Gin had had done. "Oh, they are pretty. They fit todays theme.", he replied with a smile and when he was asked about work he sighed a bit, but smiled. "Hot.", he answered. "I mean... the weather was hot today, I worked up quite a sweat. That's why I was a bit late, I figured I'd take a quick bath before I meet you. Didn't want to be all sweaty."
    • “I guess you do? I mean, if we were going out with each other, like this, and you hated my guts, I’d eventually have to ask you what is wrong with you - if you had yourself and such.” It wasn’t out of the ordinary that depressed men looked for what seemed like angels, trapped in a flesh chassis that called itself a human body - they idolized them, to an insane degree, built them altars, honored them by digging through their trash. Stalkers were their own kind of humans, monsters, of anything; and Gin hated them for what they were, for as long they were. Wasn’t it delightful that he lumped Kosuke in with them? They were vastly different. “I’d get caught up in my own lies if I didn’t do that. It’s just been … so long since I had someone I could actually talk with, without any judging or pretenses.”, he confessed eventually, biting back the stammer in his voice that, despite everything, was going to make him lose his mind at some point. What would he do if that happened with a client? Gin didn’t want to know. “If you want to, I would like that - but don’t make it too cheesy or your coworkers will pick on you.” Would they? He didn’t know them and still called them a bunch of rascals. Gin couldn’t help it - he liked the idea, though; and a voicemail was stupid enough to work. “Both is fine, depends on the mood. I don’t want to say no, but please don’t feel pressured, alright?”

      As the last bit of his own Yakitori disappeared in his mouth, Gin was wiping his hands off on the grass - something he needn’t do, but it was nice to be out here and escape the city, the concrete, the tall buildings. At this spot, right here, everything felt human and the vast expanse of a once beautiful world like it was deep within his grasp already. Whatever it was that concerned him, he figured, it would never truly end; it ate away at his mind and soul, and no Kosuke would be able to fix that right then and there. “Even a giant Tokage?”, he giggled to himself as he grabbed his can of soda and crushed the other half in one go; it was down his throat before he realized it. At some point, he would pay for stuff like that, he was sure, but did he really need to? “I know, mine is a mess, too - sometimes you have ample time between clients, other times you don’t. Nobody is holding anything against you, don’t worry.”, Gin reassured his Kosuke, of all people. Wasn’t that too early though? That guy was really anything but something that he owned - just another soul, swimming in the same direction as him, and it was cute. It would always be. “Huh? Oh … I … did I … fuck, sorry.”, the next chuckle was anxious. “It just burst out of me like that.”, he answered. There was little he could do about that, though. There was no need for him to appear as if he understood everything just fine, as if he had no idea of what was going to happen if he didn’t act on his impulses - Gin was too old to play pretend like that. “Thank you. I like them.” Those nails of his were a temporary hobby of others, and they mainly needed to look good because some people would want to see them, or had a thing for hands. Sometimes, he understood, and other times he didn’t want to. Gin grabbed Kosukes hand and squeezed it, as his eyes lay on him. “Same thing. But even then, you’re pretty hot yourself.”
      Looking back, it maybe is like the toy carts you rode when you were a kid. But those toy carts could never go beyond the walls of the lawn. We want to follow the rugged concrete road beyond the wall. As we've grown, we've decided to leave behind the toy cart.
    • "See? So there is no need to worry.", Kosuke simply smiled. Gin worried too much and here Kosuke thought he'd be the one to fill those shoes. Not that he worried about a lot of things, but Gin simply seemed so open minded and like he just wanted fun, but then again Kosuke knew why they liked each other and why they went out on a date in the first place. They felt like they were able to confide in each other. Like they could be honest to each other and that was only necessary because both of them had some form of baggage they carried around and wanted to share. "It's fine. I'm not used to it either... do you have to work tomorrow?", he suddenly asked. He didn't want to shut Gin up all the damn time, so if he wanted to see the fireworks, maybe they'd still have time for a serious talk between just the two of them afterwards? Whether they sat somewhere or went to Kosukes place didn't matter and he didn't have any ulterior motives. Kosuke chuckled. "I won't do it in front of them.", he assured Gin, then raised an eyebrow. "Am I ever cheesy?", he asked honestly interested. He didn't think he was actually.

      "Alright, I just don't want you to think I don't care." He still smiled, but since they were both done with eating and drank up themselves, Kosuke grabbed the empty plates and cans and then stood up. Afterwards he extended a hand towards Gin to pull him to his feet as well. "Then let's find a giant Tokage for you.", he suggested and once Gin was ready, grabbed his jacket too, before he started walking. He threw their waste into the next bin while he still smiled at his date. "You don't have to apologize for telling me how you feel. Just give me a bit of time to find a fitting response." Wasn't it awkward to not say anything as sweet in return? Kosuke wasn't as good with words however and around so many people he didn't feel comfortable enough to let actions speak. Nothing drastic, just looking Gin into his eyes and maybe holding his hand, just like Gin just did. It made him blush a bit and he tried to hide it with a grin. "You haven't even said anything about me not wearing a suit yet.", he pointed out.