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  • Die ARC-Häkelrunde

    marquis - - DIY


    Ich hab' mich endlich mal dazu entschieden zu häkeln, wahoo! Mein Erstwerk, ein fucked up little guy, weil ich einer vietnamesischen Anleitung gefolgt bin. Das hätte eigentlich ein Teddybär werden sollen. Kann ich viet? Nein. Irgendwie doch ganz süß. 37ff508a2e21c58560d0d08567cce261faa3c42f.jpg Bin dann auf die beliebte 1,5 Häkelnadel umgestiegen (said no one ever) und habe jellyfish gebastelt. cffb4f26e39c22c941077dff83ed1a4aad201eb3.jpg Und momentan arbeite ich mit fucking Filzwolle, weil ich …

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    Richard was a bit of an oddball, was he not? Yujin loved to be with him, he loved to be around him, sure, but he also had to admit that sometimes, it was hard to gauge his reaction to things. "Why are you sorry?", he wanted to know. Yujin couldn't and wouldn't be disappointed over something like this; he didn't care about Richard because he needed help, he simply cared for him because the two of them belonged together, didn't they? "I am." There was giggling from him, and even if he saw the disa…

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    As things came and went, Yujin was still the same, like some sort of rock that was doomed to stand eternal guard at one of the entrances to hell, or whatever nonsensical place on could think of. Frankly, just sitting here, just biding his time, it all was a bit much, and the more he thought about it, the more he had to wonder if he'd ever get off of his own ass and go out, enjoy life like he didn't really know it and see the world for what it was. There were so many versions of himself he didn't…

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    Yujin wasn't going to agonize about things that had to keep happening anyway - what he was, perpetually, quite on the fence about was whatever was happening around him and just how much of it was truly and surely going to be his responsibility. All in all, why did he bother with that? Richard was right, he was partially wrong, this was how these things went and he was going to sleep like a log regardless, was it not so? And yet, he was giggling like a little girl. "We'll figure that out ... and,…

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "You'll heal.", Yujin replied. Both of them would, from their own traumas, in their own ways, at their own pace, even if they currently buried their issues in the bowels of their own machinations, Yujin knew as well as Richard that every wound left a scar eventually and sometimes, those scars would even fade; if they didn't, that was another thing that Yujin couldn't influence, but by whatever was holy to Richard, he just wouldn't let him hang like that. He deserved more - he always did, and the…

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "But it bothers you?", he asked for clarification. Perhaps it did. Maybe it shouldn't. Yujin couldn't speak for Richard and vice versa, he could only estimate what was on his mind, and he could only hope that that would eventually change, be it now or in the near future. Who was to say that nobody ever changed? To him, the world was stagnant and everything was the same - but Yujin knew that others weren't like that, and that Richard was far from that in the first place; he'd get better, he had t…

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "We don't need to go anywhere.", Yujin answered in the flash of a second. Why would they? They didn't need to hurt one another, nor did they need to overstep any kind of idiotic boundary that one had set for te other without saying so. All he wanted was to be left alone and in peace with Richard, to learn more about him and then maybe about himself and the years that he'd lost, somewhere in the back of his mind. Who was he to deny himself that? Yujin couldn't say, and he didn't want to find out …

  • bloodbound. (earinor & akira)

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    “I still don’t know.”, he replied. Yujin couldn’t help himself; some of those memories came back to him and he was glad about getting some details right, but the fact that his brain was scrambled and torn into pieces, it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Who had ever even cared about something so lame? “Mhm, I know. We can still figure that out if you want.”, he agreed wholeheartedly. Silesse was never his, and he was the one that liked to live vicariously through himself and every single day…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    That guy was a force to be reckoned with for sure - Ignatius did manage to keep up with him somehow, but it did take a lot out of him. Reaching the village was something he was happy about; it felt like it had to be godsend, or perhaps he‘d just finally done something that instantly paid off. Regardless of what it was, or would turn out to be, they had reached someplace full of people, and even if the monastery seemed more than a stone-throw away, they could get in first thing tomorrow morning, …

  • sinbound. [Akira & Earinor] [ENG]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "Well, no! But ... you're just teasing me now, aren't you!? Are you jealous or something?", he asked, not annoyed but rather intrigued by the simple thought that maybe, just maybe, Caelan was thinking about this the wrong way. The guy that taught him was nothing but a vagabond, a man that wandered through the world without aim, without any goals to fulfill and the worst he ever did was indulge a woman that was way, way too interested in the world that he offered her a glimpse into; and now, well…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    Their journey wasn't an easy one, he'd been made aware of that from the start, and yet, he toiled around the area with someone this close and yet that far from him that he had to wonder if this was the right choice. If anything, this was stupid, and if something, Ignatius was just making a fool of himself by clinging by the sole remnant of an expedition that should have never happened in the first place. As it stood, though, it was already too late and there was nothing he could do about any of …

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    “I’m aware.”, he was quick to comment. If he did, wouldn’t the two of them be celebrating right now? They’d probably not talk like this to one another, or at least they would be able to let down their guard. Instead, nothing of the sort happened - instead, they were exchanging quick glances that didn’t mean anything neat, proper or loving. No, none of these things were common between someone one would be willing to trust and Ignatius didn’t blame this guy for it - not here, not now, that was all…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "Me alone, is that astounding? Sure, maybe it's not right for me to assume that you have no one to back you up, but it's astounding to see how easy it is for you to trust someone, if I may be so frank.", Ignatius almost complained, with a voice as sweet as honey and yet, an attitude as rotten as that of an old king that had lived in nothing but luxury and pure arrogance for his entire life. "You're awfully confident, but you have the skills to be. Not much of a fan of monasteries or gods men, I …

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "You ... why are you telling all of this to me anyway? Do you not fear that I would persecute you, or perhaps rat you out to my brethren?", he questioned eventually, unsure of what this was about in the first place. Why was this man so confident in his abilities in the first place, so obsessed with making things right, go his way? Surely, that couldn't be why he volunteered secrets just like - what sane man would go about his life like that? No god, no, no heathen would act like this in the pres…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    Azrael brought up points that Ignatius had never considered - to him, all that the church said was the word of god, one he had to follow and he actually never doubted his peers, but who was to say that he was going to keep it that way? Surely, it wasn't enough to shake his core beliefs like that, but it also showed that, in a way, he had never thought outside the box he found himself inside of. Reality was but a stone-throw away for him and now that he stepped into it, perhaps it was time to put…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "That's close-minded and dumb. Is that really how they teach you commonfolk?", he asked. Priests were often reverred, if not loved by their community, or so he'd been told by his peers in his youth - their word meant more than that of some lot, surely, but that was about as far as things went. Wasn't it stupid to believe that everything a single person produced from their lips was fact? Lies could be common, or even some sort of in-fighting that caused information to become muddled and twisted, …

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "Am I questioning my god, in your eyes?", he asked Azrael, his tone confused, his eyebrow raised and his overall understanding of the situation perhaps somewhat diminshed. Ignatius knew many things, many people - but he hardly knew himself, or what the outside world was taught about people like him or his brothers and sisters in arms. Had anyone ever felt like it was necessary to tell him? Not really, now that he thought about it. To keep their closest thing to god somewhat dumb had sufficed, in…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    What a feeble-minded individual, and yet, was it anything he could doubt? Oh, how sweet it was to hear the triffling opinions of someone that, by far, had no idea what to do with himself, though, he figured that perhaps, Azrael was smart enough not to be an idiot at this stage in time. "Strange? I don't think it is, actually. I believe in something that some people might not indulge in, which is fine by me, but I must not view everything that I've ever heard as something that simply is the truth…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    "They're simpleminded is all I can tell you. Those who don't know how to achieve power will do anything they can to seem important to others; you have nothing to fear with me, not when it comes to food. I take what I can get, as horrid as it sounds.", Ignatius replied with the shrug of his shoulders. Why would he wait for someone to hunt him something that was to his taste out here? That would take too long and the less time he had to spend wandering through the glades of this forlorn planet, th…

  • faithbound. [marquis & Earinor]

    marquis - - 2er RPGs


    People died every single day and yet he was supposed to feel remorse about these? They died in vain, had gone on a mission that was his from the start, but alas, they had been sent here and taken useless precautions without even doubting their masters once - Ignatius wasn't much better, hell, he listened to his superiors like a pet, simply because he figured he'd not surpassed them yet - and yet, this trip opened his eyes. Was it mesmerizing enough to take his mind off of things? Never. Azrael w…